Extensive Online Documentation in Cloud Hosting
All cloud hosting plans that we are offering feature a comprehensive knowledge base where you can find all you may ever need to know with regards to your hosting account. Regardless of whether you are intending to create a brand-new database, to forward a domain name by means of an .htaccess file or to create an e-mail address on your desktop PC or cellular phone, you can just read our help articles and all the information that you need will be there. When you go to a certain section of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, you’ll see articles that are relevant to the functions that you can access through it. In case you would like to check the full article archive and get informed about all the features that Hepsia is offering, or simply to read general info about the web hosting service, you can browse through the entire knowledge base, which can be accessed through the Help menu in your Control Panel. We’ve done our best to encompass any complication that you may experience, but in case you do not find the info that you’re seeking, you can always get in touch with us, as our customer support team members are available to you 24/7.
Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Servers
Our company’s semi-dedicated servers include an elaborate online article library where you can find any info that you might need about our web hosting services or about the Hepsia hosting Control Panel that we are using. We have prepared it based on the feedback that we’ve obtained from our clients over the years and, as a consequence, our articles touch on specific issues that you might stumble upon and include the quickest means of fixing them, for example receiving a 500 Internal Server Error message or not being able to send e-mail messages from your personal computer although you have the right SMTP settings. The articles are available in each and every section of the Control Panel and you can access them at any given time. They can help you heighten your knowledge not only about our services, but also about the web hosting realm as a whole, as they contain comprehensive guides and general info such as what cron jobs or file permissions are.